Saturday, March 14, 2015

New home to go too!!

Well it has been awhile since I wrote to this blog because my wife and I have been so busy getting ourselves together in many areas in our lives.

For instance, we just moved into a great new house that we both love, that is also much nearer to where I go to work. No more waiting on two buses to get to work anymore, YES!!!!! Also because of this great move, we are also much nearer to my wife's family, church, shopping centers, bus lines to downtown, doctors, etc. Great move indeed!!

We are still working on many other things as well, which will help keep improving both of our lives.

2 years of great marriage to a wonderful woman and counting on many more!

I truly know that God has brought me to here and I thank him very much! Thank You!!! I also know that he is not finished with me yet.  Looking forward to it!!

May everyone that is reading this be blessed as I have been, especially through the trials and tribulations that we all go through daily in our lives.

Until the next time I update this blog, be happy.

Friday, October 10, 2014

Celebrated Our First Year Marriage Anniversary

Well, it has been a great year together with my wife and I. We are doing what married couples are supposed to do and more. I never thought in a million years that I would find such a great woman to have in my life. She has been supportive in everything I do, with some healthy advice once in a while. She has made me laugh and smile at situations that would easily have made a grown man cry. She has always picked my up when I come home from work. She is truly a remarkable woman. We recently went to New York to celebrate our 1 year anniversary. We visited many places,including Junior's Most Fabulous Cheesecake and Desserts( loved the cheese cakes and sandwiches!!), Coney Island, and other places. It was definitely a nice time! Just wanted to update everyone. Stay tuned!!

Thursday, May 08, 2014

I Got Married!!

Well, it has been a long since I posted to this blog about the happenings in my life. My life improved dramatically when I married my wife last year! We dated for awhile and we really clicked big time!!! I am so glad that God blessed me with a great woman who makes me greater every day. When I think about all the craziness that I went through with my extremely ex girlfriend, I realized that I truly learned to be a better husband for my wife. Lessons truly learned! For those of you out there that have or are going through something like I went through (or worse), remember that eventually the storm will soon pass and that you will be greater because of it. I had to learn mines the hard way. Now life has certainly improved. Now my wife is my great inspiration. God bless and remember that things can improve with faith and works because faith without works is dead.

Monday, April 08, 2013

Lessons Learned!

Well I must say that things in my life is going good. It is amazing that after all the trials and drama that is this thing called life that you have indeed learned some new lessons. You can only hope that the people that put you through a whole lot of drama have learned as well. I have a new position, which I am still trying to get used to, a woman that is VERY interested in me (LOL), and a new look at life in general. I only hope that it keeps getting better. I am all smiles!!

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Consider My Upgrades Wisely

Well, life has been pretty good so far.

I could go on and on and on about some of the positive things that went on since my last post but let's just say that I am more open to women. Dating is definitely in the very near future.

I know that once I hook up with the right woman, my life would surely be upgraded. It is always good to "upgrade".

Of course, your can get so carried away with "upgrading" that you might "upgrade" yourself out of a good woman so I will take it nice and slow with the "upgrading".

Every woman is different (thank God Almighty!!!). I will get to know the woman I am interested in and if it is right, we both will know it. That is when the "true upgrade" begins.

No more "bad upgrades" for me!

We will talk later.

Tuesday, June 01, 2010

Now Filling The Director Chair Of My Life

Life is much better than before.

If you have been reading the previous posts I made to this blog, you know that my life until now was more like a Lifetime made-for-tv movie. I just wish I was more of the director than the actor. :)

Well now I am the executive director of my life and it is alright. Not exactly where I wanted to be in life but at least I have a real say in what happens in my life now.

I know that I can not control everything that happens in my life but I have learned to deal with anything that comes my way, accordingly.

Yes, I am still looking for my REAL girlfriend/potential wife. It is very likely she is looking for me too. If it is meant to be, we will see each other soon.

I am still at the same job, making a little more money, but of course, I want more money, I thought I would be doing something "up the ladder" but that did not happen yet.

Bills are bills, That sums up my financial status. :)

Life is what you make it. That is so true.

More updates to come. Stay tuned.

Saturday, November 21, 2009

Not Many Complaints

Well it has been awhile since I posted to this blog. Did not have anything to complain about too much.

My apartment is still coming along nicely and I like the area it is in.

Yes, I am still looking for my woman. I know she is out there. She is very likely looking for me too. We will find each other soon.

I did had a special lady once but it did not work out. A messed up voice message to her phone is all it took to have her not talk to me no more. Wow. I thought she knew me better than that.

I also have been working on myself lately. It is always an ongoing process. I hope you noticed the new profile picture in my blog.

Life in general has been good. I have also been chatting with my family again. We are close again.

Well that is all for now. More updates to come.

Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Oh yeah! It has been awhile since I last wrote to this blog but that's because my life has been pretty good so far. It's not perfect but it is very much improved.

I am going to continue on working on myself. I am not in no rush to getting into another relationship. In fact, I am going to REALLY enjoy this new found freedom that I have.

Wait a minute....That means I can date any woman I want without worries....SWEET!!!!

I am also going to get me some new clothes. The clothes I have now just look "tired".

Speaking of dating, I still have women asking me if they can move in with me, or have dinner at my new apartment. I would let them come on over for dinner, at least, but I must get myself and my apartment together before that happens. Once everything is right, IT IS ON!!!

That's how life been so far. You would have to agree that it is way better than before.

We will talk later.

Friday, October 20, 2006

Still keep keeping on!

Oh yes! It is good to be King! King of my castle, that is, and what a castle it is turning out to be.

In my few short months at my new place, I have gotten more phone numbers from women than I ever had in my life, until now. Even the women I turned down, because I was still with my ex-girlfriend, want my home and cell phone numbers. I just give it to them because I no longer engaged to my ex.

I had no idea I had this many women checking me out, waiting for an opportunity to give me thier 10 digits!

I do know that I will have to take things slow because I do not want to go thru what I went thru with my ex-girlfriend and her friends. I want to pick the right women this time. Life is too short to make that mistake again!

Who knows, I might still end up having a wife after all.

I have also been able to buy myself some things without worrying about not see those things ever again. There are no thieves in this #$%%^% temple!!

I admit that things are not perfect but at least by next year I will be in better shape than I ever been before.

We will talk later.

Wednesday, August 02, 2006

No rage for now.

I now live in my own apartment. It has been peaceful for me since moving out that other place. The area is nice, the people are nice, and I live near a shopping mall. To say it's sweet would truly be an understatement.

I have truly learned a lesson from the drama I experienced. That lesson being that If it walks like a duck, talks like a duck, then It TRULY must be a duck!

I am presently taking classes at my job in the hospital so that I can better myself( and maybe my better half, who ever she may be).

I going to go ahead and finish unpacking my stuff so that I can truly feel comfortable in my new home.

We will talk later.

Wednesday, June 14, 2006

A new start on life!

Yes, I have finally moved out that house of horrors that I lived in for six years. All of the ugly things that were going on at that house were really wild but the thing that struck me the most was the fact that my NOW ex-girlfriend was part of it. Just to think, she was talking about getting a GED, finding a job, getting married and all sorts of positive things that she was going to do. She was indeed on her way on completing her goals until this "ASA Belle" came into her life. He changed her whole way of thinking. He even stole from her!

If you have been reading the posts to this blog before this one, you will have a pretty good idea of what I am talking.

I realized that I could no longer stay there with the way things were there.

I now live in my own apartment.

I no longer have to put up with the 2, 3, or even 4 am knocks on the door. I really think it is disrespectful, when people are sleeping and someone decides to knock on your door that early in the morning just to stop by.

I no longer have to put up with disrespectful friends of hers that she allows to come to the house ANYTIME they want.

I no longer have to be accused of untrue things only to have my THEN so-called girlfriend agreeing that I might have did those things.

And best of all, I no longer have to pay her rent for something that I was not getting-- RESPECT!!!!

I sure would not have let my friends disrespect her like her friends did me.

Did I mention the fact that some of her friends, on a seemly regular basis, were stealing anything they can carry from the house? The thing that disgusted me the most was the fact that her daughter's video game system(Nintendo Game Cube) was taken from her room. The very same "suspects" to the crime are still allowed into the house! If ANYBODY did that to ANY of my children(if I had any), not only they will not be in my house anymore but they might also have 20 cans of WHIPASS opened upon them! It really makes you wonder what her daughter is thinking these days.

I hope her FRIENDS can help her now. For her sake, I hope they are but I TRULY doubt it. I wonder if things have gotten worst since her friends know I have moved out?

I have already prayed to god for the conditions in her house to get better. I now leave it in his hands to make things right there.

From this point on, I begin a new life!

We talk later.

Tuesday, April 04, 2006

It's time to move out!!!!

Well, the same #$%@ is still happening at this house! I have now found out that my so called "girlfriend" is more involved in what is going on here, much to my dismay.

I told her that if things did not improve around the house, I was going to move out. Several weeks passed and still the same crap was going on. It as if my rights to have a "sanctuary" to come home to were being spit upon! The lack of respect for my space( and me) is unbelieveable!

Traffic at the house is at an all time high now. I swear I now live at New York's Grand Central Station! I think I know why there is so much traffic.....DRUGS! What else can explain the 3 am, 2 am, and 4 am visits by her "friends"?

Can I get some #$%####%### sleep around here?!?!?!

When the @#$%%$$ are they going to leave that bathroom alone?!?!?!?

I even got into some arguments with her "friends" because of thier early morning visits. Some of them even threatened me with physical harm!

Since what I asked for is surely not being heard, I will have to get my peace at a place of my own. I have already signed up for a new apartment. I just waiting for the call to move in! I am sooooooooooo ready to move out of here!

I told my ex-girlfriend that I am moving out. She started telling me that her daughter was attached to me and that moving out would greatly upset her. I told my ex that my health ,mental and otherwise, was more important than hurting her daughter's feelings. She should have thought of that before she allowed these people to basically take over her house.

I have nothing against her daughter at all. In fact, her daughter seems to treat me like a father figure. I just can not stay at a house were I have to worry about police taking me to jail because of what is going on there. The truth is that I am very worried about her daughter because of it.

I figured that by moving out that things will improve in the house. She will surely have to make some changes when I am gone. It's the only option left to make things right.

Her "now cousin" Carl even tried to get me to stay but that will not happen! He and his friends is leading my ex-girlfriend down this dark path she now walks. I tried, in vain, to get her to see the truth about them but they are always there, when I am at work, to convince her that they there to help.

I even pray to God for my ex and her daughter to be alright and to come from the darkness that is presently over her house.

As for me, I will have to find another girlfriend but I am in no rush to get one. I think I should use this time to better myself so that when my new girlfriend shows up, I will be ready for her.

I am looking forward to a new life now.

Live and Learn, that's the motto!

We will talk again!

Sunday, February 19, 2006

Former house guests still come around!

If I had a dollar for everytime they come to our house, I would have more money than I can stand! I am getting very suspicious about what is going on at our house.

Now I know that we do not live in a classy neighborhood, but I know she can find some decent people here, not the ones that enter our house and steal anything that is not nailed down.

I wonder if they have lo-jack for dvd players?

They visit my "girlfriend" every chance they get, especially when I am not home. They even tried to spend nights at the house. After those few times that they did spend nights here, I made it known that they can not spend nights in my space. Ever since then, the stealing stopped! It's been peaceful here.

The only times that something was taken is when they come over. What is going to convince my girlfriend that they are just thieves waiting for the chance to take something of value? I am afraid of buying anything like a dvd player because of thier visits. Who wants to stay at a place where you can not buy yourself something nice because you are afraid of it being taken?

Lucy(nickname of my "girlfriend) REALLY has some explaining to do!

I guess my underwear is not safe here either!

We will talk later.

Tuesday, January 03, 2006

House Guest is kicked out...or is he?

She has FINALLY did it! As of yesterday, our trouble-follows-them-where-ever-they-go guest is gone! But the the strange thing is that he tried to stick around a little longer. It's about time to have peace in our house again, I hope.

I did say in my last post about filling in the details.

Well, here it goes.

It started on Christmas, the arguing part, but what really started the fire was the fact that he decided, without my girlfriend's knowledge, having a "house guest" of his own. My girlfriend went out of town for a few days to get her head together and to relieve herself of the stress that was occuring at our house. While she was gone, he invited his "friend" to our house. His friend also stayed nights at the house. The whole time while he was there, I was led to believe, by our house guest,that she knew about it and it was ok. I did find it strange that she did not tell me about the arrangement before she left town but she was already gone when I came home from work that first day she left. She was gone 5 days. His friend was there those five days and nights. When she came back, I asked her about the arrangement. Guess what, she did not know about it at all. It was a BIG @##$$ lie!

After realizing the horror of this lie, I became REALLY PISSED OFF about being lied too. He was confronted about this but, as usual, he accused me of "not liking him" and that I was just trying to get rid of him.

If I had put forth just 1/4 an ounce of effort to get him out our house, he would have been gone long ago but my girlfriend wanted to help him so I did not "go there".

Folks, it did not stop there!

While she was gone, a few items in my girlfriends' room became "lost". It seems like that her things grew some legs and decided to walk out the door. Again he was confronted about this. Again, the usual accusations against me.

This was getting old really fast!

As if this was not enough, He also started asking my girlfriend for money. I thought he had his own money. This part I found out about later when she was deciding to put him out. When she decided to stop giving him money, that's when things REALLY kicked off. We then found out that he had a drug addiction problem.

Since he could no longer get money from my girlfriend to support his drug habit(which we just found out about), he started accusing everyone in the household of "turning on him". After three days of arguing over bull#$%, he went down to my girlfriend's mom's house and told her mom some interesting things. He did not tell my girlfriend that he did this. He kept telling my girlfriend to "expect a phone call" When her mom called, she found out about his visit there.

The first thing he told her mom was that my girlfriend's child was going crazy because "she was talking to herself". What this idiot did not realize is that her daughter was talking to her imaginary friend. Did we all have an imaginary friend when we where kids.

The next thing that he told her mom is that my girlfriend was getting mad for no reason at him and that he thinks that she needs to seek help.


He also told my girlfriend's mom that the living conditions was not good, etc, etc, etc.

After her mom heard all these things, she calls my girlfriend and tells her that they should have a "family meeting" about what was told to her. That's when my girlfriend decided to "tell all" to her mom about the situaltion at the house.

My girlfriend did not want her mom in the middle of this at all but he brought her mom into it anyway. Her mom and her argued a whole hour over this. After the phone call, that's when my girlfriend wanted him to get hurt becuase she felt that her mom was going thru enough stuff of her own to have to hear about her troubles.

She told him that he had to go. The agreement was Jan 2, 2006 but 7 days before that date arrived, he came over to get some of his things. He then states that some of his things were gone. He then goes outside stating that he is calling the police. He comes back. 10 minutes later, the police arrives. He tells the police his story. My girlfriend tells them hers. I mentioned to the police that he has keys to the house. When it was all said and done, my girlfriend owed HIM some money for his "missing" things. The agreement was that if she paid for his "missing suits" that he would not go to the rental office to tell them about her renting out space in her apartment to him. Do you believe that?!?!?

To me, it was extortion, plain and simple!!!

Now Jan 2, 2005 arrives and he decided to once more to accuse me of trying to get him. This time, I was being accused of setting him up to get beat up. He then keeps trying to state to my girlfriend that,by law, he still lives here. My girlfriend is not hearing that. She has seen his true colors. He is just about getting what he can by any means.

Well, He "apoligized" to everyone that was at the house. He also told her not to worry about the $250 that she owed for the "missing suits" Later on while I was downstairs, he then secretly asked my girlfriend for $100. My girlfriend told him that she had no money and that she was having problems getting money and that she would have to fix it.

After staying around our house for 8 hours (because he did not believe her and was expecting my girlfriend to have some money, which she did not get), he finally got his belongings and left.

I have a feeling that this is not over yet. This person is bent on taking people down with him.

Let's see how long our peace at the house will last.

Tuesday, December 27, 2005

House Guest be gone!! Enough is Enough!

He just bite off more than he can chew. He made the most @#$$$ mistake he can ever make in his life....argue with my girlfriend! What was he thinking? Was he thinking that because he "thought" that my girlfriend and him were close that he could say and do anything he wanted without worry. Did he think by stealing her money and then arguing with her about her house that he would somehow win? Was he thinking that he was more "special" than anyone in the household, including me?

Well, whatever he was thinking has gotten him into a world of trouble.

It all started on Christmas day(Yes, that's right folks, no bull!). It all ended with him going over my girlfriend's mother's house. He told her mother all sorts of lies and now her mother wants to talk to her.

My girlfriend wants to hurt him now.

All the details of this drama will be told in my next post. Stay tuned.